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SWT 3000 Teleprotection

The SWT 3000 Teleprotection system is the highly developedsolution worldwide for identifying and isolatingfaults
extremely quickly in the high-voltage grid. Combinedwith existing distance protection relays, it allowsoperators to
reduce downtime to an absolute minimum.The current stage of development is based on 50 years ofpractical experience
and adaptation to changing challenges.A proven technology that is continuously beingrefined to meet future needs.
The SWT 3000 protection signaling system is extremelyversatile. For example, it can use analog and digital networksas
communications infrastructure. At the sametime, it’s ideal for establishing substation-to-substationcommunication via
IEC 61850.
A closer look at the migration of existing substations
The SWT 3000 also demonstrates its high degree of flexibilitywhen existing substations are migrated to protectiondevices via the IEC 61850
communications standard. TheSWT 3000 has all necessary command interfaces – both asbinary interfaces and as GOOSE. This always keeps investmentcosts
economically manageable, because the substationscan be updated step by step for a new network age.
The advantages:
- Keeps downtimes to an absolute minimum
- Supports IEC 61850 interfaces as well as conventionalbinary interfaces
- Flexible integration into various customer communicationsnetworks
- Path protection via two different transmission routesfor increased reliability